Billy had gone to the Doctor Watson to get his Physical Exam for his Sophomore Year of College. When he arrived at Doctor Watson's office, he was told by the Nurse that Dr. Watson had been called out of town suddenly, and Dr. Ewing would be filling in for him. Billy was under a tight timetable to get his Physical done, so he decided to see Dr. Ewing, as soon, school would start.
There was no one in the Waiting Room. After a few minutes, the Nurse escorted Billy back to the Exam Room.
The Nurse said to Billy "hop up on the table and lay on your back". Billy complied. The Nurse then took his temperature, then his Blood Pressure and said "good. Doctor Ewing will be in shortly, you just lay there and relax". The nurse left the room.
A few minutes later, a young Gentleman walked in.
"Hi Billy, I am Dr. Driscoll, I am going to assist Dr. Ewing with the exam today". Dr. Driscoll went on to look at Billy's medical chart, and asked Billy the standard assessment questions.
Dr. Driscoll asked Billy to sit up. He placed his stethoscope on his back under his shirt and listed to his lungs. Then he placed the stethoscope under his shirt on his chest and listened to his heart. "Good, go ahead and lay back on the table".
Dr. Driscoll said, "Lets take your pulse". Before he Dr. Driscoll could check the pulse, there was a knock on the exam room door. Dr. Driscoll said "Come In".
At this point it was, Derek, a Medical Student.
Derek said "Pardon the mask", I am getting over a cold, and don't want to infect anyone. Dr. Ewing said I was supposed to come and help and observe". Dr. Driscoll said "your timing is perfect, " Dr. Driscoll said to Billy, "Do you mind if Derek helps, as hands on is the way we train Medical Students to be Doctors". Billy said "not at all".
Dr. Driscoll said to Derek you check is pulse in his left wrist, while I check the pulse in the right wrist. Billy, you just relax". Dr. Driscoll had Billy's right wrist, and Derek his left wrist. Dr. Driscoll looked at Derek. Derek said the pulse was good.
Dr. Driscoll then had Billy sit up. He looked inside his nose, ears, eyes and mouth. "Good" He then palpated around Billy's back and chest, He also had Derek do the same. Dr. Driscoll, said "Good, go ahead and lay back"
Billy was laying back and Dr. Driscoll felt around the chest, "Good". Again he had Derek do the same.
Dr. Driscoll said "Well Billy, so far so good.". To Billy, this seemed like the average Physical Exam, and didn't even mind being a little bit of a guinea pig for a medical student.
Derek, smiled, then looked at Billy who was wearing Jeans, a Tee Shirt and Sperry Topsiders. Derek asked him "ready for school"? Billy said "Yes Sir". Dr. Driscoll just smiled.
Dr. Driscoll looked at Billy, and said "Billy, your Parents wanted us to also perform a cognitive test as part of your physical due to the fact you sustained a concussion back in March, while you were participating in Intermural Wrestling, and they want to ensure everything is okay. This is a follow up to what Dr. Watson did back in March and April". Billy didn't object, and figured his parents had probably forgotten to tell him that this would be done.
Dr. Driscoll then said "Billy for the cognitive one part of the test, I need you to relax and close your eyes, let your mind focus on what you sense" Once his eyes were closed, Dr. Driscoll and Derek took out medical restraints and gently wrapped them around each of Billy's wrists. Dr. Driscoll asked "what are you feeling Billy?. Billy replied "something around my wrists, nice and soft". Dr. Driscoll said "Good, just relax Billy, you're doing great" Suddenly, Dr. Driscoll and Derek tied the restraints of each wrist to the table.

As Dr. Driscoll and Derek was securing each wrist to the table, Billy opened his eyes, sat up and screamed out "Dammit, you have me tied up, my Parent's didn't say anything about this. You guys are sick perverts, let me go!". Just as he screamed this out, Derek walked over and put his hand over Billy's mouth. Dr. Driscoll took two more restraints, where he secured the right ankle to the table, then the left. Derek removed his hands from his mouth long enough for Dr. Driscoll to duct tape it shut.
Dr. Driscoll shoved him down, where Billy was laying on his back on the table. Derek then proceeded to securely strap him to the table, with two straps at the chest, one at the waist and two on the legs.
Billy was still squirming and withering on the table, and moaning into the gag. He now had that fear of God look in his eyes. Derek then secured an anesthesia mask to Billy's face.
With the anesthesia mask properly in place, Dr. Driscoll said "You need to calm down and relax for your physical Billy". He then started to administer Nitrous Oxide. Billy became relaxed, and his body started to tingle. Dr. Driscoll and Derek sat in the chairs to watch and monitor Billy, who seemed to be relaxing under the Nitrous Oxide.
About fifteen minutes later, Dr. Ewing walked in.
Dr. Ewing looked at Dr. Driscoll and Derek and said "Its always easier to handle College Boys when they are restrained and sedated" Billy was relaxed and tingling, but alert enough to know he did not like the sound of this. Dr. Ewing looked at Dr. Driscoll and Derek and said "Perfect College Boy subject, we should conduct more studies" Even with the Nitrous Oxide, Billy began to wonder what this trio had in mind. Would he be kept for a while, then just released and sent on his way, kidnapped and taken somewhere else where he would be hurt or even worse killed. What type of medical guinea pig was he about to become? Would he even see his Family and Friends again? Actually, the only face he saw was that of Dr. Driscoll.
Dr. Ewing looked into Billy's eyes and said "You got combative and we had to thoroughly restrain you. Right now, I know you are nice and relaxed and tingling. We are not going hurt you. Your exam will be conducted further at my country cabin. Even though you are 18, your parents provided the necessary permission as they pay the medical bills. But for now Billy, its time for you to relax even more and its time for your nap". Dr. Ewing then administered the injection into Billy's right arm. In less than a minute, Billy was out cold.

Dr. Ewing then looked at Dr. Driscoll and Derek and said, "get him to the cabin, but make sure you transport him tied up". Then Dr. Ewing left.
Dr. Driscoll and Derek undid straps, then the ankle restraints. Then, the portion of the wrist restraints that were tied to the table were removed, only to use both to firmly secure Billy's wrists behind his back. They then tied his ankles together with rope, placed on him a gurney, put a sheet over him, and wheeled him down the hall to a back door. At the back door, Billy had his feet and wrists pulled together, then hogtied. They then placed him in the trunk Dr. Driscoll's car, and closed the trunk, and drove off.
Dr. Driscoll and Derek started driving to the cabin. They were at a red traffic light in the right hand lane when a State Police cruiser was sitting in the traffic light in the left lane. The Trooper looked over, and saw Derek in the right front passenger seat not wearing a seat belt. Dr. Driscoll looked at Derek and said "you dip shit". When the light turned green, the could now see the license plate of the car Dr. Driscoll and Derek were in, so he started the punching his license plate number into the computer of the cruiser. The Trooper now had the Registration Information and information from the National Crime Information Center that the car was not wanted for any crimes, He switched lanes, came up closer to the car, and activated his roof lights.

Dr. Driscoll pulled over. The Trooper walked up to the car, approaching it on the passenger side, and asked Dr. Driscoll for his license and registration. He told them that the reason they were stopped was because the Passenger was not wearing a seat belt. He asked Derek for identification. He produced it. The Trooper said wait here, and went back to his cruiser.
As the Trooper was walking back to his cruiser, he heard a thud against the trunk lid. Apparently, Dr. Driscoll and Derek were talking and looking at their cell phone text messages and did not hear the thud. Derek had also forgotten about his unpaid traffic tickets. As the Trooper got back into the cruiser and looked at the car, the car appeared to have some sort of heavy cargo in the trunk. The Trooper was sensing that this was more than a routine seat belt violation traffic violation stop, and called for back up.
The Trooper then went to work entering the identification information on Dr. Driscoll and Derek into the computer. An instant hit popped up on Derek, as he had three outstanding warrants for unpaid traffic violations. A few minutes later another State Police cruiser arrived, along with two County Police Department cruiser's.
The Two County Police Officers handled the right side of the car and the two Troopers the left. They asked Dr. Driscoll and Derek to step out of the car. Dr. Driscoll and Derek complied and were walked back to the cruiser, where the were told to place their hands on the hood. The were frisked, handcuffed and separated.
The two County Police Officers had informed Derek he was under arrest for unpaid traffic violations, and placed in the back seat of one of the County Police cars. Standing between Dr. Driscoll's car and the State Police cruiser, Dr. Driscoll was questioned by the Troopers. Dr. Driscoll had denied that he knew anything about Derek not paying his traffic tickets. The Troopers were getting ready to release Dr. Driscoll, when they head several loud thuds coming from inside the trunk.
The Troopers asked Dr. Driscoll for permission to open the trunk. Dr. Driscoll denied them permission, and told them to get a warrant. This time the thuds were louder and they heard moans. The Trooper knocked on the trunk and said "Hey who is in there"? The moans got louder and he had a loud kick against the trunk lid.
The Trooper said to Dr. Driscoll, "well, I am going to open the trunk and we will see what we have". Dr. Driscoll then objected again. The Trooper went, pulled the keys out of the ignition. With their guns drawn, the trunk was opened.
To their surprise they saw a young College Boy hogtied and gagged with tears running down his eyes. They quickly holstered their weapons, and pulled the Boy pulled him out of the trunk, where they removed his gag and untied him. The Trooper asked him what his name was and he said "Billy", Billy then completely broke down. Billy was groggy, crying and shaking. He picked up Billy and carried him back to his cruiser where the other Trooper opened the car door. Billy was placed in the right front seat of the cruiser.
Dr. Driscoll was informed he was under arrest for False Imprisonment and Holding Someone Against Their Will, both Felonies By now a third County Police cruiser had shown up, and this one had a K9 partner. As the County Police Officers paraded Dr. Driscoll back to one of the County Police cars, the handcuffed Dr. Driscoll tried to make a break for it. The third County Police Officer decided that his K-9 Partner should also be in on the bust, so he opened the door, let the Dog out, and gave the command. The K-9 quickly caught Dr. Driscoll and lunged his teeth into his left leg. Dr. Driscoll went down. The County Police Officers went and picked him up, and placed him in the back seat and the second County Police Car. Once he was in the back seat, they Dr. Driscoll was informed he was also being charged with Attempting Escape and Fleeing a Police Officer.
. The Second Trooper went to the second County Police car and informed Derek he was under arrest for False Imprisonment and Holding Someone Against Their Will, both Felonies. Also he was under arrest for his outstanding traffic warrants, all Misdemeanors.
In th meantime, the Two Troopers tended to Billy, while the three County Police Officers watched over Dr. Driscoll and Derek. Billy was sweating profusely, crying and appeared to be dehydrated. The Trooper then called for an Ambulance. The Troopers were reassuring Billy that he was now safe, and the other two were now secure in handcuffs in the back seat cage of separate police cars. After a few minutes Billy had stopped shaking, and was beginning to regain his composure. While the one Trooper stayed and calmed Billy more, the other Trooper then popped the trunk to the cruiser where he got a bottle of water from a small cooler he carried in the trunk and gave it to Billy, and told Billy to slowly sip the water.
Billy gotten more of his composure back and was becoming more alert. He was able to tell the Troopers bits and pieces of what he remembered.
A Fire Truck with a Paramedic Captain on Board arrived and assessed Billy. He was in some shock, and dehydrated. An ambulance from Fire/Rescue arrived. Out of earshot the Paramedic Captain told the two Paramedics on the Ambulance what Billy had been though. They all went back and tended to Billy. He was placed and secured on the gurney, and the gurney was loaded into the back of the ambulance. The Trooper walked to the back of the ambulance as they were starting an IV to get him rehydrated. Everyone reassured Billy that everything would be fine.
While Billy was being transported to the hospital, one Trooper followed the ambulance, while the second Trooper went to his home to notify his parents as to what happened.
Billy's parents arrived at the hospital. Billy was being given an IV Solution to get him rehydrated. He was also sipping Gatorade, and by now was pretty alert. He was composed and told the Troopers in great detail what he remembered. To ensure there were no medical problems, Billy would be kept overnight for observation. Being his ordeal started in a medical setting, a County Police Officer would be assigned overnight. No one in or out without proper identification. He was sent home the next day.
After being transported to the County Jail, State Police investigators had Dr. Driscoll and Derek in separate rooms. Neither one of them was talking. Their lawyers had even advised them with the moans and the thuds sounds Billy was making while locked inside the trunk there was enough Probable Cause for the Troopers to open the trunk. Still, they were not talking, and Investigators could not get one to flip on the other.
Based on the information Billy had supplied, State Police Investigators, Troopers and County Police Officers showed up at Dr. Watson's office to arrest Dr. Ewing. The Nurse told the Investigators that Billy came in and once she had taken his Blood Pressure and Temperature, Dr. Ewing, Dr. Driscoll and Derek would do his Physical, so I was told to go to lunch. When I came back I found a note telling me to cancel all appointments for the next two days be cancelled, as he to was called out of town. When the Nurse returned to the office, she found the office was locked and no one was there. She had no idea where Dr. Driscoll and Derek were. Billy's chart was found by her on the counter. When a receipt for lunch was produced by the Nurse, she was no longer deemed a suspect.
A description of Dr. Ewing was obtained. In short order, a Circuit Court Judge would issue a warrant for his arrest.
Warrants for the office had now arrived, and the building and grounds of the practice would be searched for evidence. A search of the exam room and the grounds produced the syringe. Other evidence would be gathered, and sent to the laboratory.
Troopers also quickly located Dr. Watson as well. As the investigation unraveled, it was determined that Dr. Watson was called out of town, and had arranged though the Hospital Health Care System for a Doctor to cover for him. Dr. Watson did not know much about Dr. Ewing as he was new, but was alarmed when he heard what happened. The Hospital Health Care System provided a photo of Dr. Ewing. Now they had a photo to go with a description. While Dr. Watson remained a suspect, he was not arrested. Further investigation revealed Dr. Watson had no part in what happened to Billy, though in a separate investigation by the State Health Board and the State Police, was found that that the Hospital Health Care System did not properly vette Dr. Ewing, because if they did, they would have found out that his license to practice had already been suspended in four states, and with this, he would not have been hired.
The investigation was moving along quickly. Dr. Driscoll and Derek were not still not talking, even against the advice of their lawyers. Reports on the evidence seized came back from the lab. The syringe was found to have traces of Propofol, along with Billy's DNA on the needle. This would prove someone administered this drug to him against his will, but who?
Dr. Driscoll and Derek were both were sitting in the County Jail. With the new revelation on the syringe, Derek flipped, and admitted his role in the crimes. In exchange for a lighter sentence, Derek would testify that Dr. Ewing administered the Propofol to Billy and Dr. Driscoll administered Nitrous Oxide to Billy, both against his will.
Dr. Driscoll was facing a multitude of charges, and at this point there were no more deals for him. It looked like the trial would be more than a year away. In the meantime Derek plead guilty to a number three Felonies as well as his Misdemeanor traffic offenses. But, there was one piece of unfinished business - Where was Dr. Ewing?
By now, Billy had gone back to school, and had been at school for a while. He had the support of his Family, his Roommate from his Freshman year and his Friends. They were all hell bent on helping Billy overcome this. Billy was also seeing was also seeing a Psychologist to help him through this. Intermural Wrestling was helping to. Billy's roommate got him into playing Hockey. Billy was actually was doing quite well, both emotionally and academically. For Billy, this bad memory was going a little further away every day.
The search for Dr. Ewing continued. Leads were followed up on, but often went cold quickly. Then one day, a break. Dr. Ewing applied to work as a Physician at a hospital in Delaware. The lady in the Hospital Human Resources Department who did his initial interview would schedule a second interview after his background investigation was complete. As she started his background investigation, she went into the computer to check on his credentialing, only to find his license had been suspended in four states. The lady told her husband this over dinner that night. Her husband was an Investigator in the Delaware State Police. Something about the credentialing jarred his memory. A while back, he saw a flyer about physician who was wanted for drugging and holding a college kid against his will in Virginia. Having two College Age Sons of their own, he went to his laptop and logged in to look at the flyer and the information in the system. It listed the warrants out on him and showed his picture. He called his wife in and showed her the flyer with the guy's picture. She said "Oh my God, "That's the guy"!.
The Investigator quickly called his Boss. They also contacted the Police back in Virginia, and told them it looked like they had a good lead on the guy. Investigators in Delaware got a warrant for the job application and other records regarding Dr. Ewing from the hospital. From this, they now had an address. Police Officers were sent to the house and had the house under surveillance. Warrants would be secured for the house. They called the Police in Virginia back and told them what they had. Fortunately, that night, the weather was clear. Virginia was going to fly two Troopers to Delaware. A State Police Bell Jet Ranger Helicopter was summoned, and two Troopers from Virginia were flown to Delaware. Within two hours, two Troopers from Virginia joined the Police in Delaware, where they still had the house under surveillance
Everything in place. All the warrants were secured. The house was surrounded. It was now time to take this guy down. The front door was knocked open with a battering ram. They found Dr. Ewing in the living room sitting in a chair holding a gun to his head at the left temple. With all guns pointed toward Dr. Ewing, he said "I am the Doctor Ewing you are looking for, I don't want to cause anyone any more grief". The Lead Investigator from Delaware pleaded with him several times. Finally, one of the Troopers from Virginia said, "Please Dr. Ewing, drop your gun, so we can bring this to a peaceful end". Finally, Dr. Ewing yelled "NO", then pulled the trigger, inflicting a fatal self inflicted gun shot wound to the head.
The Troopers from Virginia who were in Delaware quickly called their counterparts to tell them what happened.
The Trooper who had initially stopped the car, had become a big part of the investigation, though did not go to Delaware. Being, he remained close to Billy and his Family during the investigation, telling them what he could while the investigation was progressing. He knew that both Billy and his family went through a horrible ordeal, needed to give them closure on Dr. Ewing, personally.
He called Billy's parents, and told them he was going to come over right away, there was a big piece of news in the investigation he wanted to share with them. About a half an hour later he arrived at Billy's parents house. In the meantime, Investigators would stall the media back in Delaware so Billy and his family could be told first about Dr. Ewing, in person.
Billy was home from school for the weekend. Billy had brought his roommate home with him. After Billy had introduced his Roommate to the Trooper, The Trooper told everyone about the developments in Delaware, with all the details. Billy sat on the couch holding his Mothers hand. On the other side sat Billy's Father and Brother. His Roommate stood next to them. Billy was strong as he carefully listened. After the Trooper was done, Billy in a soft voice looked around the room and said "Finally, we all have closure to this.
He and has parents thanked the Trooper for everything he did. The Trooper said that they we welcome and he to was glad there was finally closure to the case.
So a year later, what has happened.
Billy: Billy is doing well academically and athletically as well as emotionally. He is enjoying Wrestling and getting pretty good at Hockey (and yes parties). He no longer needs to see a Psychologist.
Billy's Parents: Both doing well, with both getting promotions at work.
Billy's Brother: A Senior in High School, he had no emotional lingering effects, and has already been accepted to the same College as Billy. Billy loves his Brother but hopes the school assigns him to a different dormitory.
Billy's Roommate: They are almost like Brothers to each other and they will share a Dorm Room again next fall, but being they will both be Juniors, the room will be bigger.
The Two Troopers: Given Meritorious Service Awards by the Commanding Officer of the State Police in the presence of the Governor. Both Troopers were assigned to the Investigation, After the Investigation was completed, both Troopers requested to be returned to Road Patrol. Their request was granted.
The Three County Police Officers and the K-9: All presented with Valor Awards by the Chief of Police at a Meeting of the County Board of Supervisors. Two of the Officers continue to serve with the Department. The Third Officer and his K-9 Partner and now enjoying retirement.
Dr. Watson: Still in Practice, though has taken on a Partner.
Dr. Watson's Nurse: Feeling guilty about what Dr. Ewing, Dr. Driscoll and Derek did to Billy developed a prescription drug problem. She has left the medical profession and is now in Rehab.
The Investigator in Delaware: Going with his "gut" after his wife told him something, this was instrumental in breaking the case. He was awarded their Department's Highest Honor. He continues to work in the Detective Division with the Delaware State Police.
The Investigator's Wife: She to was credited as she provided missing piece of the puzzle that helped locate Dr. Ewing. She got a $5,000 award that was offered by Crime Stoppers when information was being sought on the whereabouts of Dr. Ewing. She refused to accept the money, requesting Crime Stoppers use that money to help locate other Fugitives. She continues to work at the hospital.
The Hospital Health Care System: After an investigation, two more physicians were found to be improperly credentialed. They were removed. The Hospital Health Care system was fined $100,000 and placed under State Supervision for one year.
Dr. Driscoll: He wound up pleading guilty to several Felonies right at the start of his bench trial. He was sentenced, and is currently serving eight to fifteen years concurrently in a Maximum Security Prison.
Derek: Derek plead guilty to a number of lesser charges, and is serving four to six years concurrently in a Medium Security Prison.
Dr. Ewing: Deceased.
With Dr. Ewing dead, Dr. Driscoll and Derek never did say if Billy was a random victim or there was a larger plot involved.