Guys tied up and me tied up primarily wearing Sneakers, along with Jeans, Gear, and/or Boots. I love to get tied up and tie up guys. If you really love straight jackets, coupled with sneakers, (especially Converse, Vans, PF Flyers and Sperry Topsiders), along with some boots and Saunk Vagabond kicks, you came to the right place. (Sorry no nudity or porn, just fun bondage stuff) Don't forget to check out my second blog,

Friday, April 28, 2023


 I ran into this twitter feed called Kidnapped Converse. This is a link to his twitter feed. He is also on Recon KidnappedConvrse. When I talked with him on Recon, I told him I love to tie up guys and see guys tied up wearing Converse sneakers, primarily High Tops, and asked him if I could use a few of his pics for my blog and he agreed. The links above will take you to his twitter feed and his Recon profile. We both know there are a lot of Bondage and Converse fiends out there.