(I was the one tied up. I decided to use these pics to write this amusing little story in the first person)
My name is Nate. I attend a Community College and am in my second year. Being my Dad got transferred right after I started College, so I could finish up where I started, my Dad and Mom agreed to pay for an apartment in the town we were living in. I live alone in a pretty nice apartment, and even a pretty nice and reliable car. I am young, good looking, have lots of friends, enjoy sports, and do well in school. I often like to hang out in the library, as I consider the acquisition of knowledge a hobby. I also like adventure and thrills, and love White Water Rafting and Theme Parks with fast roller coasters. In fact, the faster, the better.
I have a thing for Converse Sneakers, especially high tops, and I own four pair. My parents and my friends know that I am a sneaker fiend. What they do not know, is that I also love bondage. I love seeing pictures of guys tied up, especially if they are clothed and wearing sneakers because, it reminds me so much of a kidnapping. Every time I think of bondage, I get hard. A friend tied me up a few times, and I got hard. I watched him tease my cock, but nothing more came of this, and I wanted something more.
In one of my classes there was a guy named Rick. He was about four years older than I was. Rick went into the Army right out of high school and served four years. After being discharged, Rick went to work full time, but decided he wanted to do more with his life, so he decided to take a part time job and go to school full time. Rick had a lot of money saved up, and being he decided to start at a Community College, then transfer to a four year university to save money. Rick was good looking, about six feet, weighing about 155 pounds, with blue eyes and beach blond hair. Rick was now working toward a degree in Business, and while he had a lot of fun, he did take his school work very seriously. As Rick and I hung around together more, we spent more time together. Rick had invited me to his apartment to hang out a few times, and we really hit it off. Finally, I turned 21, and Rick took me to a bar. Being it was the middle of the week, the bar was pretty empty, and we found a corner booth where we could sit, talk and drink. With no one else around, Rick told me about his Army days and overseas deployments. Rick said that when they were deployed overseas, they could not drink, and there no women were not around. Being they were in a dangerous zone, they were not allowed to wander off the base, except in groups, and only when they were taking care of army business, and then they were heavily armed, so the guys had to fend for entertainment in their off time. They resorted to tying up each other using rope and duct tape. Rick was tied up and tied up guys, and Rick actually liked tying up guys better, but was into both. After several more beers and shots, we summoned an UBER, to take us back to each of our apartments.
A few days later, Rick came over. I asked him some questions about his bondage fun he had in the Army, he said he loved it, and would love for someone to be able to tie up and play with, and occasionally tie him up and play with him. Rick told me that while he cruised bondage web sites and talked to guys, he found out that most of them were nothing but fakes and flakes. Rick went on to tell me that he had a massage table, a leather hood, some rope and restraints, some vibrators, and he said he also found a hospital canvas posey hospital straight jacket that he had just bought. Both of us were getting aroused. I then told Rick about my thing for Converse Sneakers and bondage. I went on to tell him that I was tied up a few times, but I wanted a scene where I could not escape, and I wanted to be played with, but I wanted to shoot into my Levi's jeans or overalls, wearing Converse high top sneakers that would stay on the whole time. At this point, I knew Rick about six months, and we totally trusted each other. Rick told me that I he would do that for me, but he also wanted to play a little game. He said the game would start with a text to set up the scene tomorrow afternoon, and we agreed to do it.

The next day, I was sitting on the floor in the library, reading a book on Nano Electronics. I was wearing denim overalls, a white tee shirt, a pair of thin black ankle socks, and my blue High Top Converse. I heard a buzz on my phone. I checked and saw a text message from Rick.
RICK: I can see you on the floor in the library, and you look nice.
NATE: Thanks
RICK: What are you doing this afternoon?
NATE: Just some reading, but nothing else planned.
RICK: You know, you would look hot tied up wearing that outfit.
RICK: I know you want to be tied up in that outfit and those kicks, blindfolded and played with.
NATE: Dam, you just got me hard.
RICK: Are you down for this?
RICK: Meet me at the apartment at 4:30.
NATE: See u then.
I would only take about ten minutes to get to Rick's apartment, and it was already 3:45. I hung out for about another half an hour wondering what would come next. Finally, it was time to head to Rick's apartment.
I arrived at Rick's apartment. He answered the door and greeted me. He was wearing a pair of tight Levi's, a tee shirt, a pair of black and white Vans Checkerboard sneakers with black socks. He invited me in and closed the door. Rick told me that I looked hot, and I told him that he did to. Rick said lets get stoned first, it will enhance the fun. Rick got out some pot and the bong, and we each took about four hits off the bong Both of us were now getting stoned. Rick asked if I was ready, and I told him that I was I took off my jacket, and Rick put me into the straight jacket. I was instantly hard inside my overalls that I was wearing going commando. Rick then used a blindfold and duct taped it into place. He then put me into a leather hood, and tightened it up. Headphones were added for White Noise, and I was laid back on the table.
Rick then secured each ankle, then took four straps and secured them to my upper body. He then took the remaining four straps and secured the rest of my body to the table. I tested out the restraints and they were perfect. This was always the scene I wanted. Rick then told me to relax, and he would be back in a bit. Rick left then closed the door.
I don't know how much time elapsed, but the pot had me nice and relaxed. My cock was rock hard inside of my overalls, and my feet were feeling nice and tingly and sweaty inside my Converse. I was pulling against the restraints, resting, pulling against the restraints, resting. I don't know how long this went on for but I was enjoying this.
Rick came back, and fed more four more hits off a joint. By now I was nice and stoned and relaxed on the pot. He then pinched off one nostril and fed me two popper hits. He did the same with the other nostril. Between the pot and poppers I was now getting tingly and sleepy, let alone extremely horny. Rick and I agreed that he could take pictures as well.

Rick started by massaging me through the straight jacket, then my legs, my feet through my sneakers, then my cock. I don't know how long this went on for, but I was enjoying this. This was pure pleasure. Rick then took out an assortment of vibrators and used them on my cock. This was getting me aroused. Rick was reading me like a book. He could get me close and stop, get me close and stop, get me close and stop. I was torn, because I wanted to shoot into my overalls, but I did not want the scene to end. Throughout all of this Rick continued to feed me pot and poppers, and with the White Noise, I was loving my fantasy being turned into reality.

They play suddenly stopped. Rick fed me two more hits of a joint, then gagged me with duct tape. Rick then took a blanket, draped it over my body and secured it with rope. I could also feel the Converse High Tops on my feet, and now I was so securely tied that I was in a nice bondage prison. I was squirming and moaning, but I knew this was the scene I always wanted, and still rock hard. Between the pot and poppers, I was totally in my headspace and off into another world. Rick then pinched the left side of my neck hard. I felt like it was some sort of injection. My toes curled inside of my Converse and I pulled against the straight jacket and restraints, and suddenly fell asleep.

Rick could now see I was in a nice twilight sleep. Rick then broke out the heavy duty vibrator, and started using it on my cock. He kept getting me close and stopping, getting me close and stopping, getting me close and stopping, in the meanwhile feeding me poppers to make sure I was high and horny. At this point, all I knew was this was a combination of pleasure and torment as I was being controlled with no way out. I was so relaxed and so rock hard, I didn't want out.
I started to wake up some. Rick fed me two more popper hits, and I fell back into a light sleep. My body and feet were tingly, and Rick was hard at work with the vibrator. Rick was reading me like a book, and each time I would start to take up, Rick would feed me more poppers, where I would fall back into a light sleep. Throughout, I could feel my myself pulling against the straight jacket and restraints and my toes curling inside my Converse Sneakers. I had no idea how long this part of the scene went on, but it felt like hours. Rick had looked at the clock, and saw I was tied up under the blanket for almost two hours. He decided it was time. As I woke up, more popper hits were fed, and I felt back into my nice light sleep. The fun with the vibrators went on a while longer, when suddenly, in my semi conscious state, I pulled against the straight jacket and restraints hard, felt my toes curl inside my Converse sneakers, then felt something very wet inside my overalls. At this point, I knew I shot, and it was awesome, but Rick was not done. As I was still in a semi conscious state, Rick continued to work with the vibrators and suddenly I shot again. Rick wanted to see if there was a third load, and in short order there was.

Rick finally stopped, but left me tied up and gagged to cool for awhile. Rick left the room. As I started to wake up, I was still hard. By now the inside of my overalls were soaked with cum. I squirmed and moaned more, then suddenly, I shot a forth load into my overalls.
Rick then came back and took the blanket off. He took the gag off and undid the restraints. He sat me up and took off the hood. He then helped me over to the chair so I could sit and relax. Rick got me a bottle of water, and I just sat and relaxed for about a half an hour.
Rick told me I was tied up for four and a half hours. Rick asked me what I thought, and I told him it was the scene I better than I imagined. I always wanted to be restrained and played with to climax, but the pot and poppers along with the White Noise totally enhanced the whole experience. I told him I liked the three times I shot and didn't know I had shot my load because I was so high, and the forth time with the hands free orgasm was totally awesome as well. I told Rick that anyone who has never been tied up and played with should at least try it because they will experience the best orgasms of their lives, and they will be totally relaxed in the end.
Rick gave me a pair of shorts to wear, so we could wash my overalls. We ordered pizza and when the pizza arrived sat around and ate the pizza and drank some soda. Rick also gave me a pair of shorts so Rick had me spend the night.
The next morning I told Rick that I had so much fun. Rick said he would love to do it again. Over the next year, Rick tied me up several more times, and I tied up Rick several times. Each scene was better than the last, whether I was the one who was tied up, or Rick was the one who was tied up.