Cameron was a College Freshman, who wanted to join a Fraternity. The first semester at school, Cameron just went to a bunch a Fraternity parties to see which one he might be interested in. While he liked several of the Fraternities, he kept going back to parties at one house. Toward the end of the semester, two of the Brothers Tyler and Connor, who were in charge of the recruitment of new pledges. They started talking with Cameron at length, and told them that their Fraternity would be the best fit for him, as Cameron was both smart and personable. Tyler and Connor told Cameron to contact them after he returned from Christmas break.
After Christmas break, Cameron contacted the Tyler and Connor, where they. They talked more at length. They asked Cameron to bring his report card with him, which he did. Tyler and Connor looked at Connor's report card, and Cameron had a sold B plus average, which impressed them. Tyler and Connor said that Connor would impress all of the Brothers who would decide on which pledges to accept. Tyler and Connor told Cameron they liked him alot, and they would be in touch.
Tyler and Connor, in the meantime talked to about six other Freshmen, and while they liked four of them, the Fraternity had a meeting, and decided they would only accept one pledge that semester. They decided to invite Cameron first for an interview. If Cameron would be accepted, he would be the only pledge that semester. The fraternity was not interested in drinking games or most other crazy stunts that other Fraternities subject their pledges to, but were more interested in a Pledge who would maintain a B Plus Average, and help work on their charitable and community service causes.
Tyler and Connor had invited Cameron to a meeting with the brothers. Cameron arrived wearing a blue shirt, blue jeans and black Converse High Top Sneakers. All of the Brothers had some questions for Cameron, and all were impressed with his answers. At the end, they did tell Cameron that pledging would not include crazy stunts or crazy and drunken drinking games, but to test cooperation and endurance, Cameron would have to agree to be tied up at least four times during the semester pledging period. Being what goes on during pledging period is always a deep dark Fraternity secret, Cameron was sworn to secrecy. Cameron agreed and was asked to wait outside while the Brothers decided on whether Cameron would be accepted.
About five minutes later Tyler and Connor came out, and told Cameron he was accepted. Tyler took a pair of handcuffs out of his pocket and told Cameron to put hands out in front of him, where Tyler handcuffed him. By the look on Cameron's face, he was elated as what the semester and the pledging period was fixing to become. After about an half an hour, Tyler took the handcuffs off Cameron. Cameron was ready to embark on his semester.

About three weeks went by. Cameron was maintaining his B plus average, and attended every meeting and participated in every event that Fraternity was engaged in. One Saturday, Cameron was told to report to the house. When Cameron arrived, he was wearing a work out jacket, shorts and white Converse High Top Sneakers. Tyler and Connor who were also serving as the Pledge Master's told Cameron it was time for his first bondage test, and these tests were just like tests in class, but with a difference. Fail any one test, the Pledging period would end, and Cameron would not be accepted into the Fraternity. For this test, Cameron would be blindfolded, gagged and hog tied for a period of one hour. While they did check on him periodically, one hour later Tyler and Connor came back and found Cameron fast asleep. They woke him up, and told him he passed his first test. Cameror knew the pledging period would continue and told Tyler and Connor that he felt very relaxed tied up.

Cameron never knew when the next test would come. He continued to go to class, keep up his grades, and work with the Fraternity. The Brothers liked him a lot, and even cut Cameron some slack, where they would let him hang out and drink with them, and even allowed him and encouraged him to hang out with his Friends. One day Cameron got a message from Tyler to report to the Frat House tomorrow night at 8:00 PM. This time Cameron arrived wearing a button down shirt, a pair of blue jeans and a pair of white low Adidas Sneakers. Cameron and Tyler told Cameron it was time for his second test, and would be hog tied again, except this time, they would place him in a leather hood. They hog tied him, except this time, he was told he would stay hog tied for an hour and a half, and Tyler and Connor stood watch over their charge the entire time. Once again, Cameron passed his test.

One more week had elapsed, and Tyler and Connor decided to ratchet up the intensity. They already knew that Cameron liked the handcuffs, and the two hog ties, but they wanted to find out if Cameron was a bondage and rubber fiend. This time they sent Cameron a text and told them to meet them at the Frat House tomorrow at 7:00 PM. Tyler showed up, and this time Tyler and Connor broke out a rubber suit and a gas mask with gloves and Nike Wrestling Shoes. Cameron's eyes just lit up, he changed into the suit. All suited up and in the mask, Cameron was laid on the bed and tied to the bed. This time the time was two hours. Tyler and Connor watched over their charge and watched him squirm and moan. When two hours was up, Cameron was untied. As Cameron changed clothes, they found that Cameron had shot into the suit. When Tyler and Connor asked Cameron about that, Cameron replied he had always wanted to be tied up, and just the thought got him hard, and the Pledge process was turning his fantasy into reality. Cameron went on to tell Tyler and Connor that he was a sneaker fiend, and he found it incredibly hot to be tied up wearing different types of sneakers.

Cameron was keeping up his grades, and wanted the next test, but this time, Tyler and Connor decided to dog the next test out about two weeks. Tyler sent Cameron a text and told him to meet him and Connor at the Frat House on Friday about seven, and they were going to take a trip Being Tyler, Connor and a number of the other Fraternity Brothers were into bondage, they kept this from Cameron. When Cameron arrived wearing his blue jeans and Black High Top Converse sneakers with a sweatshirt, they put Cameron in the car. When they arrived, they went into the house. Cameron was told to put the rubber suit and sneakers back on. Cameron was then placed in a leather hood and a canvas posey hospital straight jacket, where he got placed on the floor and hog tied. They all stood watch over their bondage charge, watching him squirm, but due to the intensity of the bondage, they decided to go with an hour. Again, Cameron passed his test. Cameron was initially told there was a minimum of four tests, but he was hoping for more, as he passed with flying colors.

Another week had elapsed, and Connor sent Cameron a message and said to report to the Frat House at 7:00 PM. When he arrived, he was wearing a long sleeve tee shirt, blue jeans and the black Converse High Top Sneakers. Before they took him to a guest room, they blindfolded him. Once in the guest room Tyler and Connor placed in the canvas posey hospital straight jacket. (Yes, they had their own). He was then placed in a leather hood, gagged, then secured to the massage table. This time, Tyler and Connor upped the ante, and put headphones on playing binural beats This would put Cameron into a head space and provide him much needed sensory deprivation. This time, the time limit was two hours. For the next two hours, Tyler and Connor stood watch over their charge, watching him squirm and moan into the gag. Tyler and Connor knew they had a kinky bondage Pledge, and just watched him. About an hour and fifteen minutes late of squirming, Cameron shot into his jeans, but there was forty five minutes left to go. Cameron seemed to relax, when about ten minutes later, he started sqirming again, and let out another loud moan. Shortly before the time was up, Cameron let out a third loud moan. Cameron again passed this test and was released from the table. Tyler looked at Cameron, and told him you are far exceeding our bondage test expectations.

It was now two weeks before the end of the semester, and it would be time for Cameron's final bondage test. The test was set up for 1:00 PM on a Saturday afternoon. This time, Cameron reported wearing a tee shirt, blue jeans and a pair of Gray Converse High Top Sneakers. Cameron was taken downstairs to the study room. He was placed into a leather straight jacket and seated in a chair. His ankles would be secured to each side of the chair, then rope would be used to secure his chest. This time Tyler and Connor would leave, though would be in the next room monitoring Cameron for the final test, which was to be three hours. Cameron knew he came this far, and was not ready to blow it, so he accepted his fate, and went off into his head space. Time came to a crawl for Cameron, wondering when the three hours would be up. He was hard, and at times squirming. Cameron held out about two and one half hours, where he managed to give himself a hands free bondage orgasm, not once but twice. Finally Tyler and Connor came back, told Cameron his three hours was up, and he passed his final test.
Cameron was still tied up. What Tyler and Connor did not tell Cameron was that if he passed that test, the Brothers were satisfied that he would finish the semester with his B to B Plus average, and were ready to swear him in. The rest of the Fraternity arrived, and the still bound and hooded Cameron was sworn in. The hood was removed, as well as the rope. His ankles were untied, he was taken out of the straight jacket.

They all went upstairs to do a shot of Crown Royal Apple. Cameron was told that in addition to the high academic average they were required to maintain, as well as be active in the Fraternity social and community activities. Cameron was told that in addition to this, Frat Brothers had to be into bondage. They had to be tied up a minimum of twice a semester. They also had to tie up another brother twice a semester. Cameron was elated, because College is not about just learning academics, learning about one self, and Cameron was learning that he liked to be tied up. He could not wait to see what it would be like to also tie up other guys.
Cameron went home for the summer and worked. His mind just kept drifting back to the bondage and would not wait for fall semester to roll around. About a week before school started, Cameron received a group text advising they were considering two pledges for the fall semester. Tyler sent Cameron a message stating that being Connor had graduated, he needed a new assistant, and that Cameron would be helping in the bondage pledge process in the Fall.
When Cameron got back to school, he hung out with Tyler. Tyler told Cameron that he would teach Cameron everything he needed to know about tying up guys. Cameron could not wait until the next pledge class came in, but Cameron would have to wait until Spring. What Tyler didn't know was that Cameron had found a friend that was into bondage over the summer, and while Cameron was still getting tied up, his friend was teaching him how to tie up guys. On two occasions, Tyler found out that Cameron was getting pretty good at the tying up as well, as Tyler found himself tied up by Cameron not once but twice two weeks into the semester, but Cameron had his eye on at least one other Fraternity Brother who would be tied up. Each endured one hour of bondage.

. One afternoon Tyler decided it was time to get Cameron off to the proper start, so one afternoon, when Cameron came home wearing a pair of blue jeans and a pair of Xtratuf Rubber Boots, Tyler decided it was time for Cameron to submit and be tormented. Cameron got trussed up in a leather hood and straight jacket, then laid back on the table where his ankles were secured. Tyler tormented Cameron for two hours.
Being Cameron and Tyler were off to a great start, it was time for them to work together and go after some of the others, ensuring they were tied up for one to two hours, teased and tormented.
The first one they captured was Jake, who got tied hooded and in the straight jacket to the massage table sporting black Monocrome PF Flyer High Top Sneakers.
It came out that Jake was quite the straight jacket fiend to. When he came to the house one day wearing blue jeans and a new pair of "Hey Dude" Shoes, he got himself strapped to the massage table in the Straight Jacket for three hours.
Shea got strapped to the camping cot wearing Converse Fly Knit Sneakers
Tony got hog tied in an unidentified pair of sneakers
Mark got hogtied in a pair of Osiris High Top Sneakers.
Justin got hogtied in a pair of Adidas Sneakers.
Of course, Cameron got captured three times, the first by Cameron and Justin. Sporting his Converse Stars and Bars High Top Sneakers, he got trussed up in a straight jacket and strapped to the massage table, each time teased and tormented for two to three hours.
The second by Mark and Tony, this time strapped up in a straight jacket wearing a pair of Kacki Sanuk Vagabond Sidewalk Surf Shoes.
The third time by Cameron, Justin, Mark and Tony wearing a pair of Kacki Sanuk Vagabond Sidewalk Surf Shoes.
Cameron enjoyed the semester at school. Again he did well in class, and was enjoying the bondage fun with his Fraternity Brothers, as well as socializing with the Brothers and his friends. When Cameron went home for Christmas break, and could not wait for the next semester, Cameron knew is not only Pledged, but got accepted into the Fraternity that was right for him. Cameron had a lot of fun and bondage fun the rest of his college days, and when graduation time rolled around, Cameron Graduated with Honors.