Guys tied up and me tied up primarily wearing Sneakers, along with Jeans, Gear, and/or Boots. I love to get tied up and tie up guys. If you really love straight jackets, coupled with sneakers, (especially Converse, Vans, PF Flyers and Sperry Topsiders), along with some boots and Saunk Vagabond kicks, you came to the right place. (Sorry no nudity or porn, just fun bondage stuff) Don't forget to check out my second blog,

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Use of Poppers and Maximum Impact Together - DON'T!!!!!!!!!

Richard Hunter from Mr. S Leather was kind enough to share this very important information with with Bob Wingate, who forwarded this to me. It surrounds the results of using Poppers and Maximum Impact together, and as I read what Richard wrote, it got my attention real quick. I have done this combination about dozen times, BUT you can bet after I read what Richard wrote, I won't be doing it any more.

Please read what he wrote below. If you are using this combination at the same time, YOU NEED TO STOP! I know I will.

As a matter of safety here, it should be pointed out that using both Poppers and Maximum Impact (Ethyl Chloride) Together can Kill you.

Poppers opens up all the vessels going into your head and you feel the warm Rush of increased blood flow into your brain. Ethyl Chloride works in the opposite way and constricts the vessels, cutting off oxygen to the brain and that's why you feel high and sometimes pass out.

Using these two together can cause the blood vessels in your brain to burst and you'll have a stroke. The blood vessels are both trying to expand and constrict at the same time. Stick with the poppers and leave the Maximum Impact alone.

Just sayin....

Richard Hunter
Mr. S Leather

Friday, January 29, 2010

Airwalk Skate Sneakers

Some pics of me tied in my Airwalk Skate Sneakers. No socks of course.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

My First Photo Bondage Subject

Only a few pics came out real good, but I enjoyed doing them, and Alex enjoyed being tied up.