On our next motorcycle ride, I had worn these sneakers with the sport bike leathers. Todd told me I looked so hot wearing them. The following week, when we decided to go riding. Todd showed up at my house. wearing a pair of Levi's a pair of red Vans High Top Sneakers and a denim jacket. It was also a three day weekend. Here is how the conversation before the ride went.
Todd: Dude, you looked pretty hot in those leathers and those extra high top Converse Sneakers.
John: Thanks. I'd bet you want to wear those leathers and black Extra High Top Converse on the ride.
Todd: Sure, are you okay with that.
John: Yes, you can wear the leathers, with the black Extra High Top Convese, and I will wear a pair of Levi's with the Aqua High Top Converse with the Levi's tucked into the Converse.
Todd: Awesome
John: How about this, we trade bikes to, today, I will ride yours and can ride mine.
Todd: It's a deal, we can just go out and ride for about an hour and a half and come back.
Todd got changed into the leathers, and he looked very hot wearing them. We got on the bikes and took off. We got back to my house, and parked the bikes in the garage. We went inside, and we took off our jackets, and each of us had a bottle of water, and we started to talk.
Todd: You know the last few times I tied you up, we didn't get any pictures.
John: No problem, we still had a great time.
Todd: You know, I do like to get tied up occasionally, and I would like to get tied up.
John: Really, for how long.
Todd: About three to four hours, I have always yearned to be tied up by another sneaker and bondage fiend.
John: Okay, I want to tie you up in the leathers and sneakers.
Todd: Yup, I am ready.
Todd went put on the sport bike jacket. He reached into the Levis he was wearing when he came over, and pulled out a bottle of poppers.
Todd: Just like you, I like to get poppered up.
John: Okay, you ready.
Todd: I was born ready.
I had Todd put on the Russian Gas Mask. I had him lay back on the bed. I gave him a hit of poppers, and took a set of soft hospital restraints, and put the right wrist into the restraint, tied it off to the bed, then did the same with the left. I fed him some poppers, teased his cock through the leathers, then left him to relax for a little while.
About fifteen minutes later, I came back and fed Todd another hit of poppers. took some rope, and tied his ankles together, then his lower legs. I fed him some more poppers.
It as time to start massaging his body through those leathers and massaging his feet through those sneakers. I kept feeding him poppers, and teasing his cock through those leathers. Todd was high and horny, and I was out to keep him frustrated. I knew he wanted to shoot but I knew if he did shoot, he would probably want to be untied, and he wanted a three to four hour bondage session. The teasing went on for an hour. Todd was having his fun, finding it a combination of pleasure and torment.
After about an hour and fifteen minutes, I took the mask off.
John: You look all hot there, but sorry, you can't cum just yet. It's time I tie you in a different place, so I am going to tie you to something else.
Todd: Do you have a pair of scuba boots?
John: I do, why:
Todd: I think being tied up in the leathers and scuba boots mixing up gear would be hot.
John: Okay, they will also be a surprise for you.
I untied Todd briefly, where he changed into the scuba boots. I took weighted restraints and used them on each wrist. I then used the soft hospital restraints on each ankle and took web straps and used them to secure his body to the camping cot. By now, I thought Todd had seen enough, so I took duct tape and wrapped it around the eyes to block out the light. I took a cotton ball, and soaked it with poppers, and stuffed it in the hose to the gas mask.
Todd was high, aroused, horny, squirming and moaning, while I teased him on and off for about another hour. When I wasn't teasing him, I loved watching him pull against those straps, as we both knew he was going nowhere.
By now, Todd had been tied up almost three and one half hours. I took his cock out of the leather pants, and started to slowly stroke it. Todd was horny, and I felt it was time to let him shoot, and when he released, he shot to his shoulder.
Turnabout is fair play as the last time Todd tied me up, after I shot, he didn't care I was sensitive, he wanted to tease me some more, and I shot a second time. I did the same him to him It took Todd about five minutes to shoot again.
I went, got a towel, and cleaned him up. I untied him, and took him out of the straight jacket. Todd said he loved the session,
Todd went and took a shower, while I ordered pizza. Over pizza,
Todd: It is so fun to have a trusting friend to go riding with, who lets me tie him up, and ties me up.
John: Yes, it's great, isn't it?
Todd really did not want to ride home that night. Todd and I are the same height and weight with the same body build, Going commando, I gave Todd a pair of Levi's shorts, and I got into another pair of Levi's shorts. Todd put on my white Asics Wrestling Shoes, and I put on a pair of my blue Adidas EQT Wrestling Shoes, and we both got into bed, and started hugging and kissing each other. After a little while, we both fell asleep.