Over the past year, I have been experiencing a series of health problems, and have not been playing, and YES, I do miss it.
Last night while watching College Football, I was tooling around the blog, and came up on some interesting scenes I have done. These sets were done in 2020, and it was one of the few times I tied up two different guys in the same night. This first set is of Pup Roscoe, where he got hogtied, and later strapped to the camping cot. Click on the links below to see individual pictures and some video of Roscoe hogtied, then strapped to the camping cot.
After Pup Roscoe was done, and he left, I got back on Recon, and another guy Tom wanted to be tied up that night, so he came over and got trussed up into the straight jacket, and strapped to the camping cot. Again, be sure to click on the link to see the individual pictures, and some video of him tied up and teased with the vibrators.
This will help you find scenes I have done through the years of guys who wanted to be tied or me tied.