Guys tied up and me tied up primarily wearing Sneakers, along with Jeans, Gear, and/or Boots. I love to get tied up and tie up guys. If you really love straight jackets, coupled with sneakers, (especially Converse, Vans, PF Flyers and Sperry Topsiders), along with some boots and Saunk Vagabond kicks, you came to the right place. (Sorry no nudity or porn, just fun bondage stuff) Don't forget to check out my second blog,

Saturday, February 27, 2010


After Dave released me from the suspension, I put on my leather sport bike jacket, and got trussed up into the straight jacket, where I got tied to the motorcycle again. If you note, this time, later into the scene, we put the face shield down on the helmet and duct taped it to help block out the light, but there was more to this set and scene, titled under Suspended Again. (Bondage and Photo's by Nike Dave)

Friday, February 26, 2010


After Dave got released from his nap, we looked at the pictures, and decided it was time for dinner. We ate light, as we were still having to much fun and he had to leave the next day to head home, but was still interested in doing a few more sets. After dinner, I put on the wrestling singlet he gave me and put on  my leather sport bike pants and my Glove Leather High Top Converse Sneakers, and got suspended again. This time he remembered to get a couple of full body shots of me suspended. I can tell you that with a trusting partner, being suspended and blindfolded can be quite a relaxing experience as long as you are in a comfortable position. After I was released from the suspension, Dave was not done, but you have to wait until tomorrow to see what came next. (Ropework and Photos by Nike Dave).

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Nike Dave Part VIII

After we both had the opportunity to be suspended,  and I was tied to the chair in the garage, Dave went inside to change out of the leathers, and came out wearing a pair of jeans with a pair of Asics Wresting Shoes he brought along. After I was released Dave said he was ready for a nap. Here he gets a nice rest, while I piped in my favorite bondage music, Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon. Dave actually fell asleep for over an hour like this. After I gotten done putting all of the pictures we took up to this point in order so we could look at them later and know what was what, I decided it was time for him to wake up.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Nike Dave Part VII

To continue the story from Part Six, this set looked so good, I added more rope.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Nike Dave - Part VI

After I had been released from the Motorcycle, I changed and went out to get sub sandwiches for lunch. Dave said he needed to make a few phone calls, so he stayed behind at the house. By no means were we even close to being done. When I got back, Dave had changed into the sport bike leathers with the Adidas Wrestling Shoes he had brought along. After having lunch and making sure it digested,  we did our first suspension set.

There is more to this set, but you will have to wait until tomorrow.